1.Then war burst out.战争突然爆发。
2.The only way to purge the economy of this new burst of inflation is a short, sharp recession.要消除新爆发的这次通货膨胀,唯一的方法是让经济短期内急剧衰退。
3.If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house.要是水管破裂整座房子就会灌满水。
(使)爆裂,胀开; 猛冲; 突然出现; 爆满; 涨满;
突发; 猝发; 迸发; 爆破; 爆裂; 裂口; 一阵短促的射击;
work in short bursts是什么意思
- work筏花摧拘诋饺搓邪掸矛 in short bursts的中文翻译work in short bursts 短时间工作
There was a burst of applause.是什么意思
- There was a burst of applause一阵热烈的掌声 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1Upon his appearance there was a burst of applause. 对甫顶颠雇郯概奠谁订京他的出现爆发了一阵喝彩声。
bubble burst是什么意思
- bubble burst泡沫破裂He returned to the United States after the Internet bubble burst, in 2001.互单攻厕纪丿慌搽苇敞俩联网泡沫破灭后,2001年,他回到了美国。希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!