- 启发思索:这些作文包含了丰盛的想法和哲理,读者可以通过阅读和背诵,激发自己的思索,培养对文学的独到见解。
- 提高写作水平:这些名篇在语言表达和结构安排上都具备高水平,背诵后可以提高学生的写作能力,使其在自己的作文中运用得更加熟练自如。
- 拓宽文化视野:这些作文代表了中华民族杰出的文化传统和创造力,背诵后能够帮助学生了解中国文化的精髓,拓宽视野。
- 提升应试能力:这些名篇大多是杰出的范文,背诵后可以使学生更加熟悉考试中常见的题材和写作技巧,提升应试能力。
- 《红楼梦》
- 《水浒传》
- 《西游记》
- 《金瓶梅》
- 《史记》
- 《汉书》
- 《宋史》
- 《元史》
- 《明史》
- 《清史稿》
- 《全宋文》
- 《全唐文》
- 《全集文言文》
- 《红岭外史》
- 《儿女英雄传》
- 《春秋左传》
- 《战国策》
- 《福尔摩斯探案全集》
- 《封神演义》
- 《神雕侠侣》
- 《西游记》
- 《水浒传》
- 《红楼梦》
- 《三国演义》
- 《金瓶梅》
- 《骆驼祥子》
- 《围城》
- 《平凡的全球》
- 《红高粱家族》
- 《白鹿原》
- 《活着》
- 《许三观卖血记》
- 《红军不怕远征难》
- 《挪威的森林》
- 《看见》
- 《解忧杂货店》
- 《白夜行》
- 《活着》
- 《红高粱家族》
- 《白鹿原》
- 《午夜凶铃》
- 《克莱门汀》
- 《绿毛水怪》
- 《唐伯虎点秋香》
- 《陪你到全球之巅》
- 《傅雷家书》
- 《论语》
- 《大学》
- 《中庸》
- 《春秋公羊传》
- 《孟子》
- 《周易》
- 《庄子》
- 《道德经》
- 《资治通鉴》
- 《田园诗选》
- 《义勇军进行曲》
- 《西江月·世事如书》
- 《黄河大合唱》
- 《東方紅》
- 《小夜曲》
- 《望春风》
- 《长恨歌》
- 《双旌园对花昧》
- 《敕勒歌》
- 《满江红·船到江心补漏迟》
1、It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)
2、Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……难题引起了关注)
3、Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的难题)
4、Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的难题)
5、With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速提高,越来越多的人认为……)
1. 介绍自己:
My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I am in [Your School Name] and I am in [Your Class Name] class. I like to play [Your Favorite Sport] and I also like to [Your Favorite Activity].
2. 描述一个人:
My best friend is [Name]. He/She is [Age] years old. He/She has [Description of the好朋友的特征]. We often [Describe what the friends do together].
3. 描述一个地方:
My favorite place is [Name of the Place]. It is [Describe the place]. I like to [Your favorite activity] there.
4. 描述一个物品:
My computer is [Description of the computer]. I can use it to [List some of the things you can do on the computer].
5. 表达自己的见解:
I think [List your opinion] because [Describe why you think it].
6. 描述一个事件:
Last weekend, I [Completed a task]. It was fun because [Describe why it was fun].
7. 描述一个季节:
Summer is my favorite season because I can [State one reason why you like summer].
8. 表达感谢:
Thank you for [List the thing you are thankful for]. It means a lot to me.
9. 写信给某人:
Dear [Name of the Person],
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to let you know that I have been thinking about [List something you have been thinking about]. I want to let you know that I appreciate your help and support. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
10. 日记:
Today, I [Did something]. I was happy because [State one reason why you were happy].
My name isLily,I am tall and strong,I like sport,I like play football,My friend isLiming,He is strong,Let&39;s go to school,We likeJump and run
1.一去二三里 一去二三里, 烟村四五家。 亭台六七座, 八九十枝花。
2.咏 鹅 (唐)骆宾王 鹅 鹅 鹅, 曲项向天歌。 白毛浮绿水, 红掌拨清波。
3.画 (作者不详) 远看山有色, 近听水无声, 春去花还在, 人来鸟不惊。
4.画 鸡 唐寅 头上红冠不用裁, 满身雪白走将来。 平生不敢轻言语, 一叫千门万户开。
5.静夜思 (唐)李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。
1. My Dream Job
My dream job is to become a doctor. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the medical profession. I admire doctors’ ability to heal people and save lives. The thought of being able to make a difference in someone’s life is what motivates me to pursue this career.
In order to achieve my dream, I am currently studying hard in school. I am taking science courses and volunteering at a local hospital during my free time. I believe that gaining practical experience in a medical setting will not only enhance my knowledge but also help me develop important skills such as compassion and empathy.
I am aware that becoming a doctor requires years of rigorous study and dedication. However, I am willing to put in the hard work and make sacrifices in order to achieve my goal. I believe that with perseverance and determination, I will be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor.
2. The Importance of Environmental Protection
Environmental protection is a topic that has gained significant importance in recent years. It is crucial for us to take care of the environment and preserve it for future generations. As high school students, we have a responsibility to raise awareness about environmental issues and take action to protect our planet.
One of the most effective ways to protect the environment is by practicing sustainable living. This includes reducing our carbon footprint, conserving water, and recycling. Small changes in our daily lives can make a big difference in the long run.
Another important aspect of environmental protection is raising awareness. We can organize campaigns and events to educate others about the importance of taking care of the environment. By spreading knowledge and information, we can inspire more people to join the cause and make a positive impact.
Lastly, government policies and regulations play a crucial role in environmental protection. As citizens, we should actively support and advocate for policies that promote sustainability and protect our natural resources.
3. The Benefits of Reading
Reading is not only a great source of knowledge but also a means of personal growth and development. It allows us to explore different perspectives, expand our vocabulary, and improve our writing skills. As high school students, it is important for us to cultivate a habit of reading and reap the numerous benefits it offers.
Firstly, reading helps improve our academic performance. It enhances our critical thinking and analytical skills, thereby enabling us to excel in various subjects. Moreover, reading exposes us to different writing styles and genres, which can significantly improve our own writing abilities.
Secondly, reading helps broaden our horizons. It exposes us to different cultures, traditions, and ideas, making us more open-minded and accepting. This enables us to engage in meaningful conversations and appreciate diversity.
Lastly, reading is a great stress-reliever. It transports us to different worlds and allows us to temporarily escape from the pressures of everyday life. It has a calming effect on the mind and helps us relax.