He is a good boy.He has a man to worship,his Jay Chou.He sings very well.I like his songs very much.He has a lot of admirers.They are all called little crabs.He is a hard worker,He will have a stage show,So he practiced dancing very hard.He&39;s always on hot searches.
September 12th Sunday
Football is my favourite sport, and Beckham is my favourite sport star.
Beckham is English and was born in London on May 2nd,1975. He’s very tall and strong. He’s 1.84 meters tall. He’s very handsome. He has short blond hair. He plays for Real Madrid and he plays midfield. I think he’s the best player.
I’m a fan of Beckham.
My role model
Everyone has a role model in their. As the old saying goes: An idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do. My role model is my middle school teacher , a beautiful woman with a long hair.
I can’t forget that time which I spent with my teacher. When I start my middle school life, I can’t adapt to the environment . So have a difficulity making a good friend with my classmates . At that time ,I ‘m very shy . I have no idea about how to solve this thing . When I lose confidence in the school life .M y teacher starts to attention to me . She chats with me in a role of my friend and helps me how to enjoy new life .She also introduce many friends to me .
Gradually , I became outgoing and energy happy . So I thank my teacher very much .Since then ,I made a decision to be a teacher to help students who need help.
She is the person just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like my teacher: a tolerant, responsible and an optimistic person.
My role model is my teacher; I hope I will be the idol of my students , if I’m a teacher
历经岁月的洗礼,我们走过童稚,步入青春。对于青春的我们,也开有着自己喜欢的偶像。然而,我也不例外,我也有我的偶像。 在一间幽暗的小屋里,一位头发蓬乱的老者正在谈奏着动人的乐曲。他饱经沧桑的脸上写着沉浸于音乐中的高兴。他就是—贝多芬。 双耳失聪,对于一个音乐家来说是何等不幸,而他就是这样一个不幸的人。一次演出结束时,台下掌声一片,可他却听不见。直到一个登台献花的女孩抱住他,他才回过神来。他说过,一个乐队只能演奏出他一分钟心里所想的音乐。这不是他狂妄,而是他的内心澎湃着对音乐的向往。 贝多芬性情孤傲,勇于挑战权威。一次,他与歌德同行,迎面遇到一支贵族队伍。歌德急忙脱帽致敬,而贝多芬却不卑不亢地等着贵族们向他致敬。贝多芬对权贵的轻视更显示他人格的高贵,不禁让人叹服。 贝多芬虽双耳失聪,却仍坚持创作。他为艺术而献身,把美妙的音符留在了后世。贝多芬在挫折中站了起来,以坚韧的意志,创作的激情,谱写出惊人的杰作。贝 多芬一个传奇,他用心灵感受全球,用生活谱写歌曲。 贝多芬一个巨人,是一位英雄,生活简朴,淡泊名利。他是我的偶像,他的灵魂值得我进修和赞颂。 贝多芬的乐曲像一股清泉,滋润了大众的心田;贝多芬的乐曲像一只战鼓,擂响了战斗的声音;贝多芬的乐曲像一把利剑,直刺邪恶的心脏。 贝多芬,我像对你说:你的灵魂激励着我,你的品格引领着我,你的音乐熏陶着我。你是历史长河中一朵巨大的浪花,你是人类天空中一颗夺目的明星……有人说,命运掌握在上帝手里。你用自己不平凡的一生证明了:命运掌握在自己手中。你用激昂的音乐诠释了大写的“人”,谱写了你伟大的人生。 这就是我的偶像,钢琴界伟大的贝多芬。每当我遇到挫折的时候,我总会在心里默默的想起我的偶像贝多芬,还记他的坚韧,还记的他对待挫折时的从容。他的话总是会在我孤单无助的时候,为我照亮黑暗的前途。
Lin Dan is my idol, and I am a big fan of him. He is quick in playing, quick in response, sharp in smash, and has an unrivalled domineering on the court, ranking first in the badminton world.
Because I also learn to play badminton, I especially admire him. In the last Athens Olympic Games, Lin Dan played badly and was eliminated in the first round. Many fans gave Lin Dan a nickname &34;Lin Yilun&34;.
In the past four years, Lin Dan has worked hard to train. He wants to win the Olympic men&39;s badminton singles gold medal in his own home in the 2008 Olympic Games.
Lin Dan said that he had won any gold medals in international competitions, but he was short of Olympic gold medals. He wants to dream a dream in Beijing in 2008.
TV Emcee–Yang Lan Profile
Yang Lan , born in 1968 in Beijing, who holds a master’s degree from Columbia University in the United States, is one of China’s 50 most successful entrepreneurs and probably China’s wealthiest self-made woman.
Yang Lan was 21 in her last year at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1990 when she auditioned for – and won — the position of host of the Zheng Da variety show on China Central Television. Within a year Zheng Da, a prime-time-Saturday celebrity quiz and talk show, was China’s top-rated TV program, with an audience of 220 million.
Despite her celebrity, Yang Lan quit the show after four years to go to New York where she spent two years earning a master’s degree at Columbia University’s School of
International & Public Affairs.
39;s TV skills are matched by a keen mind for business. In 1999, with her husband, Bruno Wu Zheng, she started her own media company, Sun Television Cyber networks. Traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange since last April, Sun TV was valued at $179 million on Nov. 3. Yang owns 35%, worth $63 million.
Yang Lan was appointed one of the image ambassadors of Beijing in its 2008 bid in January, joining Deng Yaping and two other Chinese women to be so honored: Gong Li, the film actress, and Sang Lan, the gymnast who was paralyzed in
1998 as she represented China at the Goodwill Game in the United States. Comment: This is a brief introduction of Yang Lan , from this article ,we can see the writer is familiar with Yang and have a great admiration to this TV emcee, but ,as far as I am concerned ,it would be better to add some ideas of the
writer ,so that readers can know the spirits of Yang easier .
Johnny 是我的偶像,他是一位非常有才华和魅力的人。他的音乐和表演风格都非常特殊,深深地吸引了我。
Johnny 是一位歌手、词曲创作人和演员,他的音乐作品风格多样,涵盖了流行、摇滚、民谣等多种类型。他的歌曲旋律优美,歌词深情,能够触动大众的心灵。他的音乐才华不仅仅体现在唱歌方面,他还会弹奏多种乐器,如吉他、钢琴等,这让他的音乐更加丰盛多彩。
除了音乐方面,Johnny 在表演方面也有着出色的表现。他在电影和电视剧中的表演都非常出色,他能够将角色的情感和内心全球表现得淋漓尽致。他的表演风格天然而真诚,让大众很容易地沉浸在他所扮演的角色中。
除了才华之外,Johnny 还非常有魅力。他有着特殊的特点和风格,总是敢于尝试新的事物和挑战自己。他对待生活和职业的态度也非常积极,总是充满着热诚和活力。他的这种积极向上的态度也深深地影响了我,让我更加勇壮地面对生活中的挑战。
Johnny 是一位非常杰出的艺人,他的才华、魅力和积极向上的态度都深深地吸引了我。他是我的偶像,也是我进修的榜样。我相信,在他的影响下,我会变得更加杰出和自信。